Simply The Best
I know I'm pretty late with this, but I never knew how good George Best was until I watched this video.
(Via My Daily Bread, Trompe L'oeil)
One of the best players there ever was and will be.
Now we know why he's a legend.
I know I'm pretty late with this, but I never knew how good George Best was until I watched this video.
Sorry for the lack of posts recently. For some reason, I've been too tired or too lazy to blog nowadays. It's probably due to work. They've been moving my shifts back and forth, so there's somedays when I work the afternoon shift (ending at 10pm), only to work the morning shift the following day.
Sgt Teo: "God is always fair. He may give u alot of intelligence, but then he won't give u much common sense."
(Updated picture)
Bloody hell. It's been a week and my right eye still hasn't recovered. Even the eyedrops the doctor gave doesn't seem to work.
A friend of mine me told to visit and I found out that Eddie Guerrero has just passed away.
Dang it. There's something wrong with my eye and my super lovable girlfriend says it's most likely Conjunctivitis, also known as Pink Eye.
During lunch hour on the days I work, I always go for lunch alone. It's not that I'm anti-social or anything, it's just most of our lunchtimes are different the rest of my colleagues are mostly old "aunties", so I'm not really on the same wavelength as the rest of them. Besides, I don't mind eating alone either.
Work is really sucking my energy. That's the main reason I don't blog as often anymore. After work, I go home and then after a while it's time to sleep already. It's like I no more energy to do anything else when I get back home. Bah, I guess that's just how the working world is.