The Student And The Soldier
School's finally started but it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. My timetable's much lighter but I'm supposed to use the rest of my free time to do my Final Year Project. So far my project hasn't encountered any problems. Well, that's because I haven't started yet.
I remember meeting my supervisor for the first time and he didn't look interested in taking me as his student all. Now I think he's trying to get rid of me.
On Monday I got this email:
Hi Zen|th,
This is to inform you that there is a change in project supervisorship for you.
You will be informed by Mr. V, the Project Tutor, about the change and the name of your new supervisor.
Here I am wishing you all the best to your final year project work.
Remember to work hard and do consistent work. This is the surest way of ensuring that you can cope and clear your final year project and hence graduate this semester (if all the other modules are cleared).
Mr. X
p.s. your new project supervisor will receive a copy of your TOR
But it was a good thing that that plan was thwarted by Mr. V:
Hi Zen|th,
Please ignore the email regarding a change in your supervisor.
You've already met Mr. X regarding your FYP. We think that it is best to have him as your supervisor. Please arrange to meet Mr. X regularly.
Mr. V
Then Mr. X sent me another email:
Hi Zen|th
Looks like you will now remain with me as my project student.
I am forwarding the information sent to my other project students to arrange to meet up with me this week.
It is important that you reply to my email to make an appointment asap.
Mr. X
In the last email, looking at the part, "Looks like you will now remain with me as my project student"; it's so obvious that he doesn't want me as his student at all. It almost sounds as if he's resigned to having me as his student. Actually, I don't really want him as my supervisor either because he doesn't provide any guidance at all. All the questions I ask him have been met with vague answers and I don't think it's going be any different from now on.
But any case, you have to make the best of what you have, and even if I have a crappy supervisor, so be it.
Moving on, I've just completed the best game of 2004!
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater

See that last screenshot? You can even eat the fish if you want to. Haha. The AI now is much smarter too. Your enemies no longer stand in the open and wait for you pick them off one by one. If they spot you, they'll hide behind trees, in tall grass and fight back.
Overall MGS3 Snake Eater is a great game with a solid storyline. In my opinion, together with Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, these are the 2 best games of 2004.
If you have a Playstation 2, you just have to get this game. If you don't, go buy a PS2 and then get MGS3 Snake Eater! It's definitely worth your money. =)
jason mulgrew
internet quasi-celebrity
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