Tuesday, September 07, 2004

On The Road To White Castle

I just went to watch Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle and it's totally hilarious! Haha. I went with my super cute and lovable girlfriend and she loved the movie too.

In case you don't know, the story is simply about a Korean and Indian guy who go in search of Whitle Castle burgers to satisfy their craving. The movie's full of racial jokes and sterotypes and along the way so many funny things happen. It's an Amercian movie so you've got to be able to understand the american sense of humour to enjoy the movie. Go catch it if you can.

My stomach's been acting a bit weird today. It feels funny but there seems be nothing wrong. No crap discharge, no nothing. It just feels funny. Plus I'm feeling a bit sleepy and at times my brain's information processing center is a bit laggy. Anyway, I'm just glad I managed to spend some time with my sweet girlfriend. Haven't been out with her for a long time because we've both been busy so today was nice. =)

Talking about busy, I've completed one assignment today so there's let me see... 2 more assignments left. I think. One at the end of this week and the other one next week. After that hopefully it'll be back to normal.

Alright, my sweet and lovable girlfriend is back from walking her dog! Later!


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